« Au plus près » blurs the boundaries of the classical concert, by enhancing the usual viewing and listening experience. In energetic exchanges between musicians, in solos and duets, they play timeless pieces by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) or short and sharp pieces by György Kurtág (b. 1926) with instinctive harmony. The musical creates its own trajectory, like a dance between the leitmotiv of 'des Fleurs de Kurtág', which provides the rhythm to the show.
“Man is a flower [...] a Japanese print whose sign passes through the void without discontinuity." wrote the Hungarian composer. The pianist and violinist discover each other, alternately light and melancholy, dizzy and frightened. Their introspective musical dialogue takes place in a universe of musical turmoil and visual sensations, in tune with their movement.
Electroacoustics, video and light bring intimacy through a poetry that brings together the inaudible, the invisible and the obscure. Black-and-white video burns the organic echo of sound on the retina: a subliminal image as close as possible to the skin, the gesture and its vibrations. Light reveals and conceals.
This baroque, contemporary journey creates a world traversed by fleeting emotions, on the edge of space and time. Our fragility resonates with strength and delicacy.